--normal / -n
<input file> |
Input file for matched normal
[required] |
--tumor / -t <input file> |
Input file for tumor [required] |
--bed / -b <input file> |
Target definitions [required] |
--out / -o <output folder>
Output folder path [required]
(Programme will create a folder with this name, so it must not be a
name of a existing folder) |
--DOC |
Specify whether tumor and
matched normal input give coverage information [required only when
input in DOC format] |
--ploidy |
Common ploidy of the tumor
[optional]. Default: 2 |
--estimatePloidy |
This will estimate base ploidy
when --ploidy option is not provided. However, --baf must be provided
to execute this command [optional]. Default : False |
--plot / -p |
If specified, the output plots
will be generated. [optional] |
--minReadDepth |
Exons having avg. reads
<minReadDepth in the control sample will not be analysed [optional].
Default: 10 |
--baf |
If specified BAFs will be used
to predict zygosity states and correction of copy number predictions
[option al]. The B allele frequency file should be specified with this
option. |